Enárd, Matthias/Schmidt, Sabine Maria/Breuer, Lars: Lars Breuer (gebundenes Buch)

The Love of the Gods, Dt/engl
ISBN/EAN: 9783969120934
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 136 S.
Einband: gebundenes Buch
Erschienen am 13.10.2022
Auflage: 1/2022
€ 32,00
(inklusive MwSt.)
Lieferbar innerhalb 10 - 21 Tagen
  • Zusatztext
    • In The Love of the Gods, Breuer presents 104 C-prints of photographs for which he pointed the camera’s lens into the barrels of disused rifles, pistoles, revolvers, and cannons. The pictures were taken on the artist’s travels to Athens, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Leverkusen, Ingolstadt, Melbourne, New York, Oslo, and Phnom Penh, in museums, palaces, and public squares. Breuer’s conceptual and meticulously sober-minded approach yields almost abstract compositions showing nothing but the round muzzles and the dark interiors of the weapons on a deep-black ground. We see only a ring-shaped ornament until it dawns on us that it is part of a lethal implement. A cruel constant of human existence stares us in the face: humans behind these weapons were perpetrators, humans in front of these weapons were victims. Lars Breuer’s turn the spotlight on what the aura of the ornaments conceals: they have wrought death.

  • Autorenportrait
    • Das Werk von Lars Breuer (geb. 1974 in Aachen, lebt und arbeitet in Düsseldorf und Köln) zeichnet sich durch ein breites Spektrum an Bezugssystemen aus. So stellt er unter anderem mit einer selbst entworfenen Typografie in großformatigen Installationen Bezüge zur Literatur und zur Kunstgeschichte her. Neben diesen typographischen Arbeiten entstehen figurative und abstrakte Gemälde und Fotografien.

In The Love of the Gods, Breuer presents 104 C-prints of photographs for which he pointed the camera’s lens into the barrels of disused rifles, pistoles, revolvers, and cannons. The pictures were taken on the artist’s travels to Athens, Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Leverkusen, Ingolstadt, Melbourne, New York, Oslo, and Phnom Penh, in museums, palaces, and public squares. Breuer’s conceptual and meticulously sober-minded approach yields almost abstract compositions showing nothing but the round muzzles and the dark interiors of the weapons on a deep-black ground. We see only a ring-shaped ornament until it dawns on us that it is part of a lethal implement. A cruel constant of human existence stares us in the face: humans behind these weapons were perpetrators, humans in front of these weapons were victims. Lars Breuer’s turn the spotlight on what the aura of the ornaments conceals: they have wrought death.



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