European Journal of Sinology 2 (2011)

Negativity & Dialectics in China & Ancient Greece · Ancient Greek & Chinese Ethics · The Chinese Rites Controversy · Early Chinese Translation of Western Literature
Woesler, Martin
ISBN/EAN: 9783865153531
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 114
Erschienen am 08.11.2013
€ 49,00
(inklusive MwSt.)
Lieferbar innerhalb 10 - 21 Tagen
  • Zusatztext
    • The issue in hand considers cultural parellels between the Western world and China. Two articles look at the strikingly similar cultural achievements of Ancient Greek and Ancient Chinese civilizations: one article directly contrasts independently developed philosophies – comparing the philosophy of ?? Ji Zang (549-623) with Pyrrho and Nicholas of Cusa – while another article considers the similarities and differences of Ancient Greek and Chinese Ethics. Two other contributions deal with more recent intercultural encounters: one concerns the first culturally influential Western group in China, the Jesuits, early documents of the Rites Controversy, and, in my own contribution, Woesler looks at some early translations - both Chinese translations of Western works and Western translations of Chinese works - since translations play a major role in bringing cultures together.

The issue in hand considers cultural parellels between the Western world and China. Two articles look at the strikingly similar cultural achievements of Ancient Greek and Ancient Chinese civilizations: one article directly contrasts independently developed philosophies – comparing the philosophy of ?? Ji Zang (549-623) with Pyrrho and Nicholas of Cusa – while another article considers the similarities and differences of Ancient Greek and Chinese Ethics. Two other contributions deal with more recent intercultural encounters: one concerns the first culturally influential Western group in China, the Jesuits, early documents of the Rites Controversy, and, in my own contribution, Woesler looks at some early translations - both Chinese translations of Western works and Western translations of Chinese works - since translations play a major role in bringing cultures together.



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