Die Register Innocenz' III., 11. Band

11. Pontifikatsjahr, 1208/1209. Texte und Indices. Bearbeitet von Othmar Hageneder und Andrea Sommerlechner gemeinsam mit Christoph Egger, Rainer Murauer, Reinhard Seliger und Herwig Weigl
Hageneder, Othmar / Sommerlechner, Andrea / Bösel, Richard / Fillitz, Hermann
ISBN/EAN: 9783700165446
Sprache: Deutsch
Erschienen am 09.06.2010
€ 190,00
(inklusive MwSt.)
Lieferbar innerhalb 10 - 21 Tagen
  • Zusatztext
    • The 271 letters in the register of the 11th year of the papacy of Innocent III., including earlier decretals, contain privileges and confirmations of possessions, political, judicial, theological and pastoral decisions and are addressed to recipients throughout Europe and the Middle East. The annotated critical edition replaces earlier faulty prints and indicates the legal relevance of the letters, many of which where included in decretal collections. The introduction describes the manuscript and the editorial principles, and a number of indices help to access the contents.

The 271 letters in the register of the 11th year of the papacy of Innocent III., including earlier decretals, contain privileges and confirmations of possessions, political, judicial, theological and pastoral decisions and are addressed to recipients throughout Europe and the Middle East. The annotated critical edition replaces earlier faulty prints and indicates the legal relevance of the letters, many of which where included in decretal collections. The introduction describes the manuscript and the editorial principles, and a number of indices help to access the contents.



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