Berthold Vöcking/Helmut Alt/Martin Dietzfelbinger et al: Algorithms Unplugged (gebundenes Buch)

ISBN/EAN: 9783642153273
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: x, 406 S.
Einband: gebundenes Buch
Erschienen am 11.01.2011
Auflage: 1/2011
€ 117,69
(inklusive MwSt.)
Lieferbar innerhalb 10 - 21 Tagen
  • Zusatztext
    • InhaltsangabePart I - Searching and Sorting.- Overview.- 1 Binary Search.- 2 Insertion Sort.- 3 Fast Sorting Algorithms.- 4 Parallel Sorting - The Need for Speed.- 5 Topological Sorting - How Should I Begin to Complete My To Do List?.- 6 Searching Texts - But Fast! The Boyer-Moore-Horspool Algorithm.- 7 Depth-First Search (Ariadne & Co.).- 8 Pledge's Algorithm - How to Escape from a Dark Maze.- 9 Cycles in Graphs.- 10 PageRank - What Is Really Relevant in the World-Wide Web?.- Part II - Arithmetic and Encryption.- Overview.- 11 Multiplication of Long Integers - Faster than Long Multiplication.- 12 The Euclidean Algorithm.- 13 The Sieve of Eratosthenes - How Fast Can We Compute a Prime Number Table?.- 14 One-Way Functions - Mind the Trap - Escape Only for the Initiated.- 15 The One-Time Pad Algorithm - The Simplest and Most Secure Way to Keep Secrets.- 16 Public-Key Cryptography.- 17 How to Share a Secret.- 18 Playing Poker by Email.- 19 Fingerprinting.- 20 Hashing.- 21 Codes - Protecting Data Against Errors and Loss.- Part III - Planning, Coordination and Simulation.- Overview.- 22 Broadcasting - How Can I Quickly Disseminate Information?.- 23 Coverting Numbers into English Words.- 24 Majority - Who Gets Elected Class Rep?.- 25 Random Numbers - How Can We Create Randomness in Computers?.- 26 Winning Strategies for a Matchstick Game.- 27 Scheduling of Tournaments or Sports Leagues.- 28 Eulerian Circuits.- 29 High-Speed Circles.- 30 Gauß-Seidel Iterative Method for the Computation of Physical Problems.- 31 Dynamic Programming - Evolutionary Distance.- Part IV - Optimisation.- Overview.- 32 Shortest Paths.- 33 Minimum Spanning Trees - Sometimes Greed Pays Off.- 34 Maximum Flows - Towards the Stadium During Rush Hour.- 35 Marriage Broker.- 36 The Smallest Enclosing Circle - A Contribution to Democracy from Switzerland?.- 37 Online Algorithms - What Is It Worth to Know the Future?.- 38 Bin Packing - How Do I Get My Stuff into the Boxes.- 39 The Knapsack Problem.- 40 The Travelling Salesman Problem.- 41 Simulated Annealing.

InhaltsangabePart I - Searching and Sorting.- Overview.- 1 Binary Search.- 2 Insertion Sort.- 3 Fast Sorting Algorithms.- 4 Parallel Sorting - The Need for Speed.- 5 Topological Sorting - How Should I Begin to Complete My To Do List?.- 6 Searching Texts - But Fast! The Boyer-Moore-Horspool Algorithm.- 7 Depth-First Search (Ariadne & Co.).- 8 Pledge's Algorithm - How to Escape from a Dark Maze.- 9 Cycles in Graphs.- 10 PageRank - What Is Really Relevant in the World-Wide Web?.- Part II - Arithmetic and Encryption.- Overview.- 11 Multiplication of Long Integers - Faster than Long Multiplication.- 12 The Euclidean Algorithm.- 13 The Sieve of Eratosthenes - How Fast Can We Compute a Prime Number Table?.- 14 One-Way Functions - Mind the Trap - Escape Only for the Initiated.- 15 The One-Time Pad Algorithm - The Simplest and Most Secure Way to Keep Secrets.- 16 Public-Key Cryptography.- 17 How to Share a Secret.- 18 Playing Poker by Email.- 19 Fingerprinting.- 20 Hashing.- 21 Codes - Protecting Data Against Errors and Loss.- Part III - Planning, Coordination and Simulation.- Overview.- 22 Broadcasting - How Can I Quickly Disseminate Information?.- 23 Coverting Numbers into English Words.- 24 Majority - Who Gets Elected Class Rep?.- 25 Random Numbers - How Can We Create Randomness in Computers?.- 26 Winning Strategies for a Matchstick Game.- 27 Scheduling of Tournaments or Sports Leagues.- 28 Eulerian Circuits.- 29 High-Speed Circles.- 30 Gauß-Seidel Iterative Method for the Computation of Physical Problems.- 31 Dynamic Programming - Evolutionary Distance.- Part IV - Optimisation.- Overview.- 32 Shortest Paths.- 33 Minimum Spanning Trees - Sometimes Greed Pays Off.- 34 Maximum Flows - Towards the Stadium During Rush Hour.- 35 Marriage Broker.- 36 The Smallest Enclosing Circle - A Contribution to Democracy from Switzerland?.- 37 Online Algorithms - What Is It Worth to Know the Future?.- 38 Bin Packing - How Do I Get My Stuff into the Boxes.- 39 The Knapsack Problem.- 40 The Travelling Salesman Problem.- 41 Simulated Annealing.



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