Meyer, Reinhart: 1770-1772 (Leinen)

Meyer, Reinhart: Bibliographia Dramatica et Dramaticorum. Einzelbände 1700-1800 II. Abteilung. 24, Reinhart Meyer: Bibliographia Dramatica et Dramaticorum. Einzelbände 1700-1800 II. Abteilung. Band 24
ISBN/EAN: 9783484108745
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: V, 481 S.
Einband: Leinen
Erschienen am 28.09.2005
Auflage: 1/2005
€ 179,95
(inklusive MwSt.)
Lieferbar innerhalb 10 - 21 Tagen
  • Zusatztext
    • This annotated bibliography of dramas of the 18th century covers all dramas performed and/or published between 1700 and 1799 in the former German Empire, furthermore their translations, adaptations and reprints up to the present; editions in foreign languages are included as far as they were performed and/or published in the territory of the former German Empire. Among them are especially the plays and editions of the court operas in Italian language and an abundance of texts especially by Zeno, Pariati, Metastasio, Da Ponte and others, the Latin dramas of the school theatres and the French drama editions of the big printing offices of the residences of the Empire. Additionally the bibliography contains inventories of titles and performances of dramas not printed, as far as it was possible to discover them in repertories, contemporary reviews, magazines etc. or by research of regional or theatre history. The editions are described up to the first page of the play text. All registrations are based on autopsy. The stocks of about 200 European and US libraries were carefully researched. The bibliography contains indexes of places, publishers, dedicatees, and illustrators, indexes of authors, composers, and a key-word-index.

  • Kurztext
    • Diese Bibliographie erfasst alle im Gebiet des Deutschen Reichs und der Schweiz zwischen 1700 und 1799 gespielten und/oder gedruckten deutschsprachigen Dramen des Sprech- und Musiktheaters, ihre Übersetzungen, Bearbeitungen und Neudrucke bis in die Gegenwart, sowie alle fremdsprachigen Drucke, soweit sie im Gebiet des ehemaligen Deutschen Reichs aufgeführt und/oder gedruckt erschienen sind. Sie bietet weiterhin Titel- und Aufführungsnachweise der gespielten, aber ungedruckten Dramen, soweit sie aus Repertorien, zeitgenössischen Kritiken, Zeitschriften etc. oder durch regional- oder theatergeschichtliche Forschungen zu ermitteln sind. Beschrieben werden die Drucke bis zur ersten Textseite. Alle Aufnahmen beruhen auf Autopsie.

This annotated bibliography of dramas of the 18th century covers all dramas performed and/or published between 1700 and 1799 in the former German Empire, furthermore their translations, adaptations and reprints up to the present; editions in foreign languages are included as far as they were performed and/or published in the territory of the former German Empire. Among them are especially the plays and editions of the court operas in Italian language and an abundance of texts especially by Zeno, Pariati, Metastasio, Da Ponte and others, the Latin dramas of the school theatres and the French drama editions of the big printing offices of the residences of the Empire. Additionally the bibliography contains inventories of titles and performances of dramas not printed, as far as it was possible to discover them in repertories, contemporary reviews, magazines etc. or by research of regional or theatre history. The editions are described up to the first page of the play text. All registrations are based on autopsy. The stocks of about 200 European and US libraries were carefully researched. The bibliography contains indexes of places, publishers, dedicatees, and illustrators, indexes of authors, composers, and a key-word-index.



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